Saturday 25 September 2010

Gardening ~ Our Potato Harvest

Our school is situated on half an acre in the heart of town.  At the very back of our property, beyond our second playground, we have a HUGE vegetable garden!  Each Spring the children help prepare the garden for planting.   This year we planted seed potatoes in our garden at the end of April.  The children were each able to plant a few seed potatoes.

At dismissal and recess time, we would water our garden and watch it for signs of growth.  We watched as stems and floppy green leaves emerged from the ground and grew bigger and stronger.    As the leaves and plants above the ground started to wilt, we knew our potatoes under the ground were ready to be harvested.  In mid-September the children starting digging in the garden only to find lovely large potatoes below the surface!  The hot and dry weather we experienced this summer was ideal for the potatoes. 

We harvested a large bushel full!  Each child was able to take home a handful of potatoes to share with their families.  They were very tender and oh so delicious!

Sunday 5 September 2010

Welcome to Our Little Corner of the World

Welcome to Montessori Magic, our little corner of the world.  As I enter my eighteenth year as a Montessori teacher, this blog is a place for me to share the joys and precious moments that I experience working with children at my  Montessori school, The Children's Montessori Academy.  It will also include Montessori related research, events and articles.  I hope you will join me on this journey.