Monday 11 October 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

In our classrooms this past week, we have been discussing Thanksgiving and what it means to be thankful.  During one of our circle times, we read a lovely book that explains what being thankful feels like.  At the end of the book, we all shared some of the things that we are thankful for.   Here is a selection of the responses.

I am thankful for all the new friends in my class this year.  - age 4

I am thankful for my big brother. - age 3

I am thankful for getting to spend time at the cottage with my nonno and nonnie (grandfather and grandmother). - age 4

I am thankful that I went to visit my cousins in Boston. - age 4 1/2

I am thankful that my dad makes me pancakes on the weekends. - age 4

I am thankful for my mummy and daddy.  They love me and I love them.  - age 4

I am thankful that my big brother helps me. - age 5

I am thankful for trees, crocodiles, nonna (grandmother), nonno (grandfather), mummy and daddy. - age 3

I am thankful for my blankie. - age 3

We, the teachers here at school, feel very fortunate and thankful for the precious time we get to spend with all our lovely students and their parents.  Thank you for allowing us to be part of your lives.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

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