Sunday, 2 November 2014

A Hauntingly 'Howl-rific' Halloween!

This past week was the lead up to our Halloween party at our little yellow school.  The week started well, but as the day got closer, the children got louder and louder and more energetic.   No one was able to focus on anything for very long.  They were so excited!  Interestingly, as the children's energy levels increased, the energy level of the teachers decreased.  What would Halloween day be like?

In preparation for the party, each classroom carved a pumpkin.

On Halloween morning, Snow White, Captain America and an astronaut were the first to arrive.  Snow White and Captain America are two of this year's graduates and quickly got to work setting up the tables and chairs for our Halloween banquet.  This was the first Halloween party at our little yellow school for our astronaut.  He also helped get things ready.

Setting Up For The Banquet

The children were absolutely precious in their Halloween costumes!

Our little Iron Man kept flying all morning and I couldn't resist taking an action picture.

The children handed out some Halloween treats to their classmates.

Both classes of children got together for the Halloween banquet.

Happy Halloween!

Surprisingly, the children were very calm and polite on Halloween day.  The party was a delight and we all had a lot of fun.

Here's hoping your Halloween was hauntingly 'howl-rific' too.

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