Monday 25 May 2015

The Sweet Smell of Spring

Last week the children and the teachers got their hands dirty planting seed potatoes in our back garden.  It is always a fun time as we plant in anticipation of the fall harvest.  We now have a few weeks before the school year ends to watch as the potato plants begin to grow.




Our planting day was quite breezy and the air smelled sweet with the fragrance of flowers.  Where were the heavenly scents coming from?  As we looked up, we were greeted by the sight of beautiful lilac blooms. 
At our feet was a carpet of lily of the valley.


The children were enchanted by the tiny bells of the lily of the valley.  The lily of the valley brought  back memories of a song I learned as a child.  I shared it with the children.

White coral bells upon a slender stalk
Lily of the valley deck my garden walk
Oh don't you wish that you might hear them ring
That will only happen when the fairies sing.

One little girl said "We will never hear them because fairies aren't real."  Another said "What about the tooth fairy?  She's real." The children thought for a moment and agreed that the tooth fairy was indeed real.  This gave us all hope that somewhere the lily of the valley are ringing.
We picked some of the flowers and brought them into the classrooms.  We placed them in small vases and set them on our work tables so that we could enjoy the sweet smell of spring for just a little longer.  It was lovely!




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